About me….

My name is Aaron Weathersby I am an IT nerd living in the Southern California. Cyber security isn’t just a hobby or a profession….its a life style.

I am a security focused technology executive with over 15 years of IT experience. My background includes

  • Education
    • B.S. Computer Science
    • MA Industrial Tech
    • Doctor of Science, Cyber Security
  • Certifications
    • OSCP (Offensive Security Certified Professional)
    • CISSP (Certified Information Security Processional
    • CCNP (Cisco Certified Network Professional)
    • SLAE – 32bit (Security Linux Assembly Expert)
  • Areas of Interest
    • Security
      • Blue Teaming
      • Red Teaming
      • Bug Bunting
      • Exploit development
    • Enterprise Networking
    • Programming
    • Teaching

Like many before me my path to Cyber Security was not a straight line. I was one of those nerdy kids in the early 90s with a 386SX and a 300 kbps (then 2400, then 9600 then 14.4kbps then 28.8 and finally a 56k) modem and way to much time on his hands. Being an early gamer (Doom + BBS= fun) as well as discovering things such as the Cult of the Dead Cow, Netbus, Pingofdeath and other things a preteen shouldn’t be finding on the internet. Fast forward to college and I’m completing a bachelors in computer science and getting a respectable job as a Network Administrator. Fast forward a decade later and I’m running IT departments as CIO.

In my “free time”, besides being an engaged parent, I am a security researcher who tries to claim CVEs, participate in bug bounties, (white hat) exploit development and other fun security stuff. I previous acquired by OSCP and I am currently working on my OSCE and couldnt be more excited!!!

I created this blog to serve as a my small slice of the internet where i can document those security things of interest to me and otherwise contribute to the Information Security community.

Contacting me…..

If you need to reach me ….t0b0rx0r [AT] gmail [d.o.t.] com